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Archive of Updates

This page will be used to archive the updates. Updates will be initially posted on the Home page and then moved here.

Week of Jan 16


Thank you to those who have completed the EoI form.

Each day we get closer to reaching our target!!

Tonight a "Partners" page was added to let you know who is supporting the NACHL so you can support them.

Best - The Commish

Week of Jan 23


Happy Sunday!

   The number of interested players continues to grow - thank you for spreading the word about the league.

   To help promote the league a Facebook page was created on Friday (Jan 21). There is a link to the page in the upper right hand corner. Please invite people to view and join as they wish. That page will be used to promote the league and post time sensitive information. This site will remain the primary source for information about the NACHL.

   Older Updates will be moved to the Update Archive page, probably on a weekly basis.

Week of Feb 06


Happy Sunday! Yet again!!

   The league is shaping up!

   We have times for the first 10-week session:

        4/24  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Camp 1

        5/01  17:45 - 18:45; 19:00 - 20:00   Camp 2 - Different from all other weeks

        5/08  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Camp 3

        5/15  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Scrimmage

        5/22  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 1

        5/29  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 2

        6/05  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 3

        6/12  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 4

        6/19  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 5

        6/26  16:30 - 17:30; 17:45 - 18:45   Round 6

   The Facebook group is growing. Thank you for sharing and spreading the word.

   I hope to send out the registration information very soon. 

Week of Feb 20


Happy Sunday! Yet again!!

   If you completed the Expression of Interest survey by February 19th, you were sent a link to register for the league over the weekend. If you completed the EoI after February 19th, your link will be sent out shortly.

   *** If you do not complete the EoI, you will not be sent a registration link. This is not negotiable, so please do not ask me to send you the registration link. Anyone who registers without completing the EoI will have their registration deleted.

   Information about how you can pay will be sent out this week, probably on Wednesday. If you chose to use a service that charges a service fee (like PayPal and credit cards do), then you will be asked to cover that service fee. I am currently trying to determine as many fee free methods as I can to keep the costs down.

   With regards to gear, once you have paid your registration fee you will be eligible to receive a discount at The Hockey Haven Superstore in Brookfield (see the Partners page for information about the store). I am working to collect some used gear. I will provide more information about the gear as it is collected.

Week of Mar 20


Happy 1-month to go!!

   We are expanding to allow more players.

   This decision was not made lightly. I understand that some of the players who were registered had some questions. Thank you to those of who reached out. I will do my best to make accommodations to meet your needs - thank you for reaching out to me.

   The goal of the league is to get people playing ice hockey, thank you to all of you who are on this journey!!

   I will be sending out a link for everyone to register for the camp sessions. This was going to need to happen as some of you told me as session but did not register for it. Please look for the link to be sent to you over the weekend (by 3/27).

Session 1 - 4 to 5 games - wide border.png

Week of April 10


  The list of sponsors on the Partner's page will be updated over the next few days. I took a leap of faith when I started building the league that I would be able to find a few businesses that would want to support the NACHL. With their support these businesses are helping to keep your league fees low. They have also put their faith in me/ us that their support will be rewarded by your patronage. I am not asking you to only use these businesses but if we do not support them, then they will not support us.





  We have 80 registered players for Session 1, and more people wanting to join for Session 2. (Details will be posted next week.)

  Thank you to all of you who have spread the word and talked with your friends about playing!! You are the guys who are making this possible- thank you!

Week of May 11


  Registration is open for current players.

  Registration will be opened to registered players (those who completed the EoI and the Registration survey) on the afternoon of May 23rd. There will be a limited number of spots as the league has a maximum of 80 players.

  The EoI is open, and players are sent Registration information after they complete the EoI. Completing the Registration Form will add players to the Wait List.

Week of 6/05


  Registration for Session 2 is open.

  New players need to complete the Expression of Interest, see below. Eligible players will be sent a link to Register. After the registration has been reviewed, they will receive an e-mail with details about the next steps.

  If you have any questions, please reach out to The Commissioner at

- Best

Week of 6/19


  Updated the schedule for Session 2 with 4 teams.

  Created a NACHL Team Page. Information about our coaches will be posted there.

  I will be sending out information about the Camp Weeks for Session 2 and information about "Coaches' Ice" opportunities during Session 2 in the next day or so.

  If you have any questions, please reach out to The Commissioner at

- Best

Week of 8/7


  Session 2 games have started!! I will be updating the schedule on the website soon.

   Registration of Interest (RoI) for Session 3 have been sent out to players and those on the waitlist. If you want to be put on the list, start with the Expression of Interest (EoI) found on this page below. All ice events will be on Sundays at Eble Park Ice Arena.

Week of August 21


  Players who have completed the Registration of Interest (RoI) will be sent a link to register for Session 3.

  Thank you to everyone who completed the RoI already. Given your input, over half of those who replied will be going to the "Hawks v Wild game on October 2nd, so there will not be a NACHL camp that week. Given the feedback from players who were in Session 1 and 2, there will be 2 days of camps so we can have the team practices.

  Unfortunately we cannot extend the league, so this will be a 9 week session. Only a handful of players will be out of town, there were some "maybes" - so there may be a need for some subs.

  Given that Session 3 will only be 9 weeks, the league fees will be reduced.

  Registration of Interest (RoI) for Session 3 have been sent out to players and those on the waitlist. If you want to be put on the list, start with the Expression of Interest (EoI) found on this page below. All ice events will be on Sundays at Eble Park Ice Arena.

  I will get the schedule for Session 3 up this week.



  Step 3: Registration for Session 3 has been sent out to those who have completed the S3 RoI.

  I am working to compile the information about the merchandise. I hope to have it up soon.

  We have the go ahead to hold a tournament on 12/30 and 12/31. I will create a separate page with information and links. It will be open to current and past players who are in good standing with the league. The details are being hammered out. If you are interested in assisting, please send an e-mail to and state how you would like to help.

Week of Sept. 18


  Session 3 starts this Sunday.

   The schedule has been posted on the Schedule page. Teams will be determined after the camp sessions and players will be notified the week of October 16th.

   The times and dates for Session 4 have been set:

      - Times: 4:30-5:30pm and 5:45-6:45pm

      - Camp weeks: 1/22, 1/29 and 2/5

      - 2/12 - off for some other sportin event

      - Team practices - 2/19

      - Games: 2/26 - 4/2

Player registration for Session 4 will start in December. Those people who are interested in playing should complete the Expression of Interest (found here). Eligible players will be sent a link to register (Step 2), those who complete Step 2 and will be added to the contact list.

   If you have any questions, please contact the league commissioner at

December 29, 2022

Thank you for the wonderful year!!!

   Over these past 3 sessions, we have had 102 skaters play in the NACHL. I have enjoyed seeing all of you learn to play, improve your skills snd have fun. Thank you for making this an enjoyable endeavor for everyone involved. 3 starts this Sunday.

   Please remember to be patrons of our sponsors as they help the league to continue. Their information can be found on the Partners page.

   Have a great end to this year and get ready for 2023!! I look forward to more fun-filled sessions with you and the NACHL-ers who are yet to join us.

                                                                                         Best - Doc

Week of 3/4/2023

Session 5 details

   Session 5 will start the week after Easter, April 16th and run for 10 weeks.

   The registration sequence:

  • Registration information will be sent to current players tonight.

  • Registration will be sent to those who are currently on the contact/ wait list by March 12th.

  • Registration will then be open to new players who are advancing through the registration process.

e-mail addresses​

   UHG and the NACHL has been using gmail e-mail addresses; with the creation of this website we now have e-mail addresses using this domain. I am working to have e-mails that are forwarded to the gmail addresses to the new e-mail addresses. If you have any questions, the new e-mail adddress for the league is

Best - Doc


Week of 5/20/2023

Session 5 --> Session 6

   Usually when you go ta Admirals game, "It's all your fault" is the chirp/ taunt thrown at the opposing goalie when they let in a goal. But in this case, it's a good thing, and a bit of a challenge. BECAUSE . . . It's all your fault that we have 6 teams for Session 5! WOW - just WOW!! So now the "challenge" is can you do it again, NACHLers*?

   Registration opened to current players this past weekend. Those players who have played in a previous session will be sent a link to register next week (May 28). Early in June those who have not played but are on the Contact List or have completed the Step 2 (Registration to play in the NACHL) will be sent the link to play in Session 6.

   If you are interested in playing, read the rules and guidelines, and if this is the league for you, then start with the EoI (found on the Sign-up Page). For Session 6, you will need to have a 2023-2024 USA Hockey membership.

e-mail addresses​

   UHG and the NACHL has been using gmail e-mail addresses; with the creation of this website we now have e-mail addresses using this domain. I am working to have e-mails that are forwarded to the gmail addresses to the new e-mail addresses. If you have any questions, the new e-mail address for the league is

   * So waht is a "NACHLer", and how do you saw it? A NACHLer is someone who playes (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as what you are doing. Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.

Love - Doc



Session 6

   Games have started and we have 6 teams again. The schedule has been updated, and scoresheets for Week 1 games have been posted. Games are open ot the public. If you want to come a nd meet curent players and watch the games - please do so. ;-)


Session 7 (S7) 

   Registration to play in S7 (aka Step 3) is open to current players. Those players who have played in a previous session will be sent a link to register later today (August 9) if they are on the Contact List. If you are a returning player but do not receive a link for S7, please reach out to The Commish.

   Next week, the registration form for S7 will be sent to those who have not yet played but have completed the Step 2 (Registration to play in the NACHL) and have been accepted to play in the league.

   If you are interested in playing in the NACHL, read website especially the rules and guidelines, and if this is the league for you, then start with the EoI (found on the Sign-up Page).

   For Session 7, you will need to have a 2023-2024 USA Hockey membership. (There is a link to register on this page and the Registration page.)


e-mail addresses​

   The registration forms that you complete are Google Forms and thus are tied to Gmail accounts. Therefore, the Underhill Hockey Group (UHG) and the NACHL have been using Gmail e-mail addresses; with the creation of this website we now have e-mail addresses using this domain. While the Gmail accounts are still viable, I am working to have e-mails sent from the new e-mail addresses. If you have any questions, the new e-mail address for the league is and the new e-mail address for UHG is If you reach out, please use the new e-mail addresses.


What is a "NACHLer"?

   * So waht is a "NACHLer", and how do you saw it? A NACHLer is someone who playes (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as what you are doing.

   They are hockey players who value learning and being a teammate over being competitive. They care about a fallen league mate more than the puck. They are great humans and are valued for being so.

   Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.

Week of March 24, 2024

Session 8

   Games have concluded for Session 8. This wrapped the second year of the NACHL. We are taking two weeks off for a bit of a rest and then we will start up again after Easter. See below . . .  ;-)

   If you have photos to share, please send them to The Commish. Team photos will be posted in the Memories - Year 2 page. 


Session 9 (S9) 

   Session 9 starts the week after Easter. This will start Year 3 of the NACHL, it will see our 200th new NACHLer* take the ice! WOW!! Just WOW!!

   While I have promoted the league, the credit goes to those of you who have sought out a place to learn to play, and then told your friends and in some cases your spouses and the other parents' on your children's teams. I recognize what you have done to make this league happen, and I (and your league mates) thank you.


e-mail addresses​

   The registration forms that you complete are Google Forms and thus are tied to Gmail accounts, Registration forms may be sent in bulk, so add this e-mail address to your address book to keep it from going into your junk mail folder.

   The Commish's e-mail is and the e-mail address for UHG is


* What is a "NACHLer"?

   * So waht is a "NACHLer", and how do you saw it? A NACHLer is someone who playes (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as what you are doing.

   They are hockey players who value learning and being a teammate over being competitive. They care about a fallen league mate more than the puck. They are great humans and are valued for being so.

   Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.


Week of 7/8/2024

Session 10

   We start Session 10 this coming Sunday. There are still spaces availabe for players who are interested in playing. So if you are interested in playing read on.


Session 9 (S9) 

   The gamesheets for Session 9 are posted by game on the Schedule page.


HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament 

   The HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament will be back this Winter. Dates are being finalized. The rules and format will be largely the same.

   The tournament will be open to current NACHL players and graduates who are in good standing with the NACHL. Registration information will be sent out before the end of July.

   If you are interested in being a captain for a team, please reach out to me at


Looking for (more) Leagues Sponsors

   Our league sweaters are adorned wih the companies who help to make the league operate. The sponsors on the NACHL sweaters make a 3-year commitment in order to be on the sweaters. While we can always add a new sponsor to an open spot on the sweaters, we have been able to manage the increase costs associated with the league with our current sponsors. Our current sponsors have allowed league fees to remain low, and unchanged since Session 2.

   Those commitments will end in early 2025.

   I am in communications with ur current sponsors now to determine if they will be continuing as sponsors for another 3 years. If they do, this will be wonderful!! If they do not, then we will be looking for new sponsors.

   There are other ways that sponsors can help support the NACHL.

   If you represent a company that is interested in being a sponsor, please reach out to me by e-mail at so we can meet to discuss you joining the NACHL community. If you know of a company that may be interested in sponsoring the NACHL, please reach out to me at the e-mail above.

Thank you - Doc



* What is a "NACHLer"?

   * So waht is a "NACHLer", and how do you saw it? A NACHLer is someone who playes (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as what you are doing.

   They are hockey players who value learning and being a teammate over being competitive. They care about a fallen league mate more than the puck. They are great humans and are valued for being so.

   Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.


Week of 8/5/2024

Session 10 (S10)

   Next week starts the games for Session 10. If you are not playing, come and watch the games!!


Session 11 (S11) 

   Session 11 will start on September 22nd. There will be no break between S10 and S11. There will be space for 4 teams.

   Registration is presently open to current players. Next weekend, registration will open to returning players and the weekend after that it will open to new players. The schedule for the session can be found on the Schedules page.


HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament 

   The HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament will be back this Winter. Dates are being finalized. The rules and format will be largely the same.

   The tournament will be open to current NACHL players and graduates who are in good standing with the NACHL. Registration information will be sent out before the end of July.

   If you are interested in being a captain for a team, please reach out to me at


Looking for (more) Leagues Sponsors

   Our league sweaters are adorned wih the companies who help to make the league operate. The sponsors on the NACHL sweaters make a 3-year commitment in order to be on the sweaters. While we can always add a new sponsor to an open spot on the sweaters, we have been able to manage the increase costs associated with the league with our current sponsors. Our current sponsors have allowed league fees to remain low, and unchanged since Session 2.

   Those commitments will end in early 2025.

   I am in communications with ur current sponsors now to determine if they will be continuing as sponsors for another 3 years. If they do, this will be wonderful!! If they do not, then we will be looking for new sponsors.

   There are other ways that sponsors can help support the NACHL.

   If you represent a company that is interested in being a sponsor, please reach out to me by e-mail at so we can meet to discuss you joining the NACHL community. If you know of a company that may be interested in sponsoring the NACHL, please reach out to me at the e-mail above.

Thank you - Doc



* What is a "NACHLer"?

   * So what is a "NACHLer", and how do you say it? A NACHLer is someone who plays (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as that you are doing.

   They are hockey players who value learning and being a teammate over being competitive. They care about a fallen league mate more than the puck. They are great humans and are valued for being so.

   Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.


​Session 11 (S11) 

   Session 11 is underway, and the first games were played last night. Below is the schedule for S11.







HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament 

   The HO-HO-HO-liday 3v3 Tournament will be back this Winter. The rules and format will be largely the same. Details can be found on the HO-HO-HO-liday Tournamnet page. The dates and times are: 

Saturday, December 28, 2024   8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sunday, December 29, 2024   2:30 pm - 6:00 pm

   The tournament will be open to current NACHL players and graduates who are in good standing with the NACHL. The Registration of Interest (RoI) form has been sent out. If you did not receive a link, click here. Registration will open up within the next week. If formation will be sent out to those who completed the RoI first.

   If you are interested in being a captain for a team, please reach out to me at


Results form the Feedback Survey

   Keep 15 skaters - 74.4%

   Peanlties: Keep it the same: 58.8%, Call more: 32.4%, Call everything: 8.8%

    Serve penalties during weeks 1-4: Same: 42.6%, To the box in Wk 1: 38.2%,

      all other responses received: 1.5% each

    Holidays:      Okay to play Could be an issue Proabaly an issue Don't schedule 

      Mother's Day    55.9%,             7.4%               13.2%                    23.5% 

      Father's Day     67.6%             22.1%               4.4%                      5.9%

      Mem. Day         38.2%             30.9%              16.2%                    14.7%

      Labor Day        48.5%             22.1%               14.7%                    14.7%

    Session details

      Keep 10 weeks: Like it but open: 69.1%, Change it up: 16.2%, Keep: 14.7%

      10 wk Format: 3-1-6: 35.3%, 4-1-5: 2.9%, 4-0-6: 7.4%, 2-1-7: 39.7%,

        1-1-18: 14.7%

      Longer sessions: Yes: 39.7% No: 32.4%, Open: 5.8%, Indifferent: 14.8%

      12 wk Format: 2-1-9: 23.5%, 3-1-8: 27.9%, 4-1-7: 10.3%, 2-0-10: 8.8%,
2.9%, 4-0-8: 2.9%, Don't want 12 wks: 16.2%, All others: 1.5% each

      Summary of Comments:

        - Prefer more games

        - Understand that the league is for new players so keep the camps (maybe

            add more)

        - Like the current format

        - Can't please everyone

        - 10 weeks feels like a sweet spot, fits the misson of the league

    This feedback has been taken into consideration and there will be a few changes for 2025. Nothng radical, but the most significant is the schedule.


2025 Schedule

   I am in the process of finalizing the schedule for 2025.

   Based on the feedback from the survey that was sent out, I am looking to extend the session length so that there can be more games. This means that there will be 3 sessions (S12, S13, S14) in 2025.

     S12: 1/19 - 4/13 - 4 teams, 12 weeks, 3 camps, no practice, 9 games;

       off: 2/9

     S13: 4/27 - 8/10 - 6 teams, 13 weeks, 2 camps, 1 practice, 9 games;

       off: 5/11, 5/25, 7/6

     S14: 9/07 - 11/23 - 4 teams, 12 weeks, 3 camps, no practice, 9 games;

       off: none

   I am also working on the budget. I am also in the early stages of conversations with potential sponsors. My hope is that I can secure a few more sponsors. IF this is possible then I may not need to raise league fees (even though easch session will be longer and the costs are rising). So, if you know of an organization that would like to be a sponsor, please see the next section.

   When I have the dates confirmed, I will confirm and post them here and send the out to current players and individuals on the contact list for S12. If you did not complete Step 3 for S11 and ask to be put on the contact list, you can still do that, or you can reach out to me at


Looking for (more) Leagues Sponsors

   Our league sweaters are adorned wih the companies who help to make the league operate. The sponsors on the NACHL sweaters make a 3-year commitment in order to be on the sweaters. While we can always add a new sponsor to an open spot on the sweaters, we have been able to manage the increase costs associated with the league with our current sponsors. Our current sponsors have allowed league fees to remain low, and unchanged since Session 2.

   Those commitments will end in early 2025.

   I am in communications with ur current sponsors now to determine if they will be continuing as sponsors for another 3 years. If they do, this will be wonderful!! If they do not, then we will be looking for new sponsors.

   There are other ways that sponsors can help support the NACHL.

   If you represent a company that is interested in being a sponsor, please reach out to me by e-mail at so we can meet to discuss you joining the NACHL community. If you know of a company that may be interested in sponsoring the NACHL, please reach out to me at the e-mail above.

Thank you - Doc



* What is a "NACHLer"?

   * So what is a "NACHLer", and how do you say it? A NACHLer is someone who plays (or has played) in the NACHL. Once a NACHLer - Always a NACHLer!! I say it "NACK-ler", others say it "NATCH-ler", some say "nack-ULL-urs", and the French probably say something like "nash-el-eers . . . UHN". Bottom line - you are a hockey player, how you say it is not nearly as important as that you are doing.

   They are hockey players who value learning and being a teammate over being competitive. They care about a fallen league mate more than the puck. They are great humans and are valued for being so.

   Thank you for coming, bringing your friends, having fun and building a great community.


Session 11 Schedule 2024-10-21.jpg
Week of October 20, 2024

The Underhill Hockey Group, LLC

©2022 by Underhill Hockey Group, LLC. Proudly created with

Last updated 2024-11-25

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